
Boosts Freelance Growth with Contract Flow Automation

Client location Orléans, France

Business area Human resources

Product Web Platform

Delivery center Bucharest, Romania

Project type IT Outsourcing

About the client

SkillValue is the HR-based branch of the Pentalog Platform, providing clients services through 3 main contract types including Freelancing, IT Recruitment and Tech Skills Assessment.  Additionally, they offer companies and start-ups a full-stack recruitment solution complete with technical tests, coding exercises and hackathons to engage the local IT community and assess applicants.


The challenge

Following their success with clients, SkillValue’s Freelance division faced an increasing demand for contracts to be signed more quickly and with less intervention between company and client (freelancer).  In the wake of this demand, the company acknowledged the need to scale up and fully automate their operations to ensure a streamlined contract management process.

SkillValue’s previous contract management system used an electronic signature tool and relied on multiple manual operations – such as creating an agreement, filling-in custom data, reviewing the data, distributing, signing/reviewing, sending reminders and finally saving the document internally.

The SkillValue Freelancer platform and the electronic signature tool functioned as two independent systems – the challenge came in connecting the signing and storage of client contracts in order to track them more efficiently.

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The solution

In response to SkillValue’s needs, a Pentalog Product Development team implemented automation features into the SkillValue platform using Adobe Sign. From electronic signature workflow, agreement generation to contract signing – all the updates were made possible with Adobe Sign.

Recommendations from Pentalog were primarily geared towards improving productivity within the SkillValue team and reducing lead time. These recommendations included:

  • Replacing the old e-signature tool with Adobe Sign to support the platform’s automation needs
  • Development of a custom solution that could integrate Adobe Sign APIs such as:
    • Automated generation & completion of contracts based on specific templates corresponding to client legal data
    • Automated generation of contract signing workflows based on client contact data & other configurable options (agreement type, language selection)
    • Storage of various statuses of documents in signing workflow to corresponding clients
    • Automated secure storage of signed contracts
    • Implementation of automatic reminders for contract signature/validation and other useful features for signing workflow

The team used short delivery cycles facilitated by existing Continuous Delivery in order to prove that Adobe Sign was the right solution for even the most complex document workflows.

The results

By implementing Adobe Sign API into their freelancing platform, SkillValue was able to automate and optimize their contract generation & signature flow. In turn, this improved employee productivity & efficiency – leading them one step closer to meeting international growth objectives.

The digitalization of operations saw improvements in the company’s human processes that were identified easily during implementation of the new contract signing workflow.

In addition, the lead time for project kick-off between freelancer and company decreased significantly as the prerequisites for starting a mission (generating and sending contracts for signing/reviewing) were completed in the time span of a few minutes as opposed to hours or even days.

Emilian-Valentin Bordea
Customer Success Manager

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