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Digitization: business transformation is vital!


As a strategic growth leverage for companies, digitization will become one of the major priorities in 2015 for most CEOs.

67% of them consider that digitization contributes to the company’s performance (IDC source). According to the McKinsey consulting firm, digital services made up for 25% of expenses in 2011, and we estimate a percentage of more than 50% in 2015.

Digitization enables the development of new B2B or B2C business models. All company business lines are concerned: Management, Information Systems, Innovation, Marketing, Sales, Finances, Human Resources. They must work together since only by integrating digitization in the company’s strategy will the business maximize its chances of success!

How to create value based on digitization? How to reduce client acquisition costs? How to measure ROI?

The answer does not reside solely in accompanying the company towards digitization but also in supporting CEOs and their collaborators with the acquisition of new digital skills.

DigitizationHow to make your digital transformation a success?

  • Rely on a digital, hyper-connected, web-, social media- and mobile-based ecosystem
  • Organize your company for digitization, manage changes, work in an Agile and mobile mode
  • Develop and industrialize your processes, share best practices
  • Integrate/use Cloud and Big Data technologies
  • Favor technological innovation and value creation by means of digital tools
  • Better know your clients and consumers to better understand their needs and sell more

As a real growth leverage, digitization helps you to quickly create new businesses. Several indicators allow you to measure ROI on your digitization projects: influence, visibility, e-reputation, commitment rate, sales figure growth (up to a 100% growth for certain companies that have understood the stake).

Certain companies are still reluctant to take a step further to digitization. We have no other choice but convince them to jump ahead so that they are not left behind.

According to your company’s maturity level, Pentalog can assist you with every step of the digital transformation process!

Our Pentalog Institute experts and consultants are able to make any digital transformation possible. Contact us!

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