How to make sure your site is compliant with the legislation in force
As promised in the previous article on the new Consumer Rights Directive, this time I will go into more legal details that all e-traders need to take into account in order to become legally compliant.
Reconsider your Terms & Conditions, legal mentions and licenses
The innovations brought by this new Directive automatically entail an update of your General Terms & Conditions of Sale, particularly the provisions on the transportation of the goods delivered to the client, as well as the withdrawal and refunding deadlines.
This is the perfect occasion for you to make sure whether the use of the eCommerce platform products (CMS platform, AddOns, additional tools) complies with the purchased license. With SaaS products, it’s highly unlikely to be outside the law. However, in the case of a more or less Open Source platform, such as Magento or Drupal, you might have some difficulties in ensuring legal compliance.
Either way, there’s no reason for you to panic! Thanks to its double expertise, technical – our core business –, and legal, acquired throughout a wide range of experiences and online sales partnerships with both startups and major players, Pentalog holds the key solution to all your problems!
Data confidentiality and security
You should definitely never disregard data confidentiality and security, although they might be difficult to apprehend. Studies show that users are more likely to place an order on a site that takes into account these two notions, informs them about their related rights and that proudly displays various official declarations! This way, you can increase both your users’ trust and your conversion rate!
The simplest way to make sure your site fulfils all legal obligations is by means of a legal audit. This way, you can verify the data protection declaration, the site and graphic charter property rights or the general information regarding the domain name(s) used. The audit result enables you to exploit your client file and safely apprehend the controls conducted by the Competition Directorate or other European authorities.
Finally, gaining your users’ trust is equivalent to making sure your site is correctly secured. Here as well, only a complete audit can identify the platform risks and security breaches. This audit will help you make sure whether different versions of the tools used are up-to-date, or if the network elements are too permissive. Just imagine how nice it will be to find out one day all your users’ data are accessible to everyone on the net!
And to go even further…
If you want to learn more about today’s topics (especially if you are not sure you are compliant with the Consumer Rights Directive), please feel free to contact one of our eCommerce consultants. Contact us!
Pentalog can help you improve your site performance (ramp-up ability, pics management, etc.), as well as the positioning of your site on the major search engines (SEO, SMO, etc.). Please consult our inbound marketing offer.
If you want to find out more about the Consumer Rights Directive, click here.