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IT Outsourcing

Live from SYSTEMS 2008


For the 3rd year in a row, Mircea and I, we are present, until this afternoon, at the stand of Romania at the IT trade fair in München. We learned that this would be that last fair edition, at least in this form. The München Messe GmbH announced at a press conference before yesterday that the show would be replaced from 2009 by 2 new events: one on security and one which we know nothing yet.Officially, they say that this change is made in order to adapt to the changing IT markets and business expectations. They avoided referring to the number of exhibitors which, according to an exhibition neighbour attending this fair since 2000, was divided by 2 in a few years and the number of visitors (I have noticed myself and I frequented this show only the last 3 years) was constantly falling and so it was time to innovate a bit.It is well known that the decline of interest in this kind of event is a general trend, partly because the site was right for them. But I think that it comes also from these events themselves. The firs time I went to CeBit in 2006, I was outraged by the impression of “fair”, in the negative sense, that the show left me. A noisy and colourful spectacle that seemed more for the general public than for the professionals. Without a stand of minimum 200m2 we were soon flooded in the mass. The SYSTEMS fair seems to have a more “pro” orientation, but it is obvious that this several decades old event needs a make-over.All this to say that I find it unfortunate that trade show are losing so much speed. They are always a good opportunity, beside systematically providing new customers, to observe the competition, to listen to the clients’ positive or negative stories they have had with their offshore providers, brief to observe the market in order to be able to adjust our marketing strategy in order to fulfil expectations.I’m curious and eager to discover the new concept that München Messe will propose for the next year. And I hope that the delegation representing the nearshore Romanian professionals will always be in the game.

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