After more than 3.5 years of good and loyal services (220% growth), the current organization chart of the company will change.We will get closer to traditional organizations, with a unique CEO (Level 1) and central departments. We will have three departments:- Finance and Management Control, entrusted to Virginie Picault (CFO) – Level 2- Infrastructure, Information Systems and Technical Department – Level 2- Operations Management, entrusted to Monica Jiman (COO – Vice President Business Development) – Level 2It is in these last two departments that the greatest changes will occur. Some divisions may relocate in the next months (production, management control and quality in particular).The Operations Management Department will include all the production offices throughout the world. Monica will be responsible for operations in Vietnam, Germany and France in addition to her current area (Eastern Europe). This department will comprise more than 250 employees. It will integrate sales, branch openings, recruitment, and operational management of human resources and will take responsibility for contractual operations. The Management the three Business Lines will also be linked to Operations Management.The Steering Committee will be composed of these three departments but will also include, as it already does today, the Production department (level 3, which from now on, will be part of the Operations Management Department), the Quality department (linked to IS-TD-R&D) and the management of individual expansion plans (14-2010 in the hands of Eric Gouin and 30-2013 in those of Virginie Picault).Raluca Otelea, currently in charge of Management Control and member of the Steering committee, leaves Pentalog, but will be responsible for the management of our subsidiary People Centric, a major IT recruitment company in Romania. She will still remain a member of the steering committee, as a strategic supplier of Pentalog and as a member of the group.Corporate governance will be based on 3 levels instead of the current 2:- The Board of Directors (quarterly planning) is in charge for long-term strategy and monitoring compliance of operations with the strategy. It also prepares general meetings.- The Council of Presidents (new, monthly) with the Chairman of the Board and the two vice-presidents. Its role is mainly to resolve tactical issues unresolved by the management. It also prepares the Board of Directors and implements the operational declination of the strategy.- The Executive Committee, monthly, is responsible for the review of indicators for each department and proposes actions for any deviations from the roadmap of the company. It is also the driving belt of the decisions taken by the Board of Directors and The Council of Presidents.We need to recruit several people in the next weeks. In fact, we need to have one or two branch managers in Romania. Just as we need to find a manager for our software information system.The Marketing department remains attached directly to the CEO at level 3. The organization of divisions will be finalized by the end of June.The operation scheme will be subject to assessment in late September.