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IT Outsourcing

In order to celebrate 2011, Pentalog opens its capital to all employees with a seniority of at least five years!

Frédéric Lasnier
Frédéric Lasnier
Chief Executive Officer, Pentalog

Because they have already proven their loyalty to the company, because they have assisted us in implementing complex strategies, because they accepted the constraints related to the implementation of these strategies, we have decided, as part of our future capital increase, to invite all our employees who have been with us since 2005 or before to join Pentalog’s general assembly of shareholders.Pentalog’s sales figure has increased almost fivefold over this period and its valuation probably 10 times. Our plans remain very ambitious, as we intend to exceed the 1000 employee milestone by the end of 2013 and we already foresee a 30% organic growth in 2011. In 2010, our growth exceeded 35%. Our company model remains unique. From the very beginning, it has included employee participation in capital. In 2005, our IT outsourcing company had 75 employees, whereas now it has 600! 25 Pentalog employees are therefore invited today to join the general assembly. Six Pentalog employees are now euro millionaires while three valuable employees from our offshore offices already have a participation of between 100,000 and 300,000 euros in the group.The group has always taken into account the loyalty of its employees and becoming a shareholder is not an insignificant act. First of all, because we favour those who have accepted the principle of financial effort when, on a regular basis, we distribute free shares. But also because this gives access to an assembly which approves accounts and validates the company strategy. In my opinion, this is the most fundamental aspect. For an employee of a medium-sized group like Pentalog, to become a shareholder is to contribute to the solidarity of the group and share a small part of their destiny with the others.Whatever the 25 people decide to do with this opportunity, I would like to deeply thank them and publicly say how much I appreciate the confidence that they have placed in us over these five years.Should an employee who was recruited before 31/12/2005 have been forgotten, he/she is advised to contact Virginie, who is in charge of this operation.

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