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IT Outsourcing

Pentalog forms a 50/50 joint-venture with Acticall Group

Frédéric Lasnier
Frédéric Lasnier
Chief Executive Officer, Pentalog

Good news for today. The leaders of two sectors join forces to create a new entity designed to offer assistance and online back-office services to companies established in the Eastern Europe. Acticall is the second French operator on the call-center market with 3000 positions. Acticall is at present the first provider for the CAQ 40 companies.For its part, Pentalog is the leader of offshore/nearshore IT services in the Eastern Europe with more than 250 engineers on 4 production sites in Romania and one in Moldova. The group relies today on 295 collaborators.The two groups maintain their partnership since 2002. Thanks to this alliance, Acticall will have the benefits of Pentalog’s expertise on the Eastern European countries (Pentalog is also present in Ukraine for consultancy activities). From our point of view, Pentalog will strengthen its BPO Business Line activities (contract management, content management, financial and accountancy operations…). The new company will be based in Chisinau, Moldova, who, thanks to the exceptional multilingualism (Russian, Romanian, French, English, Italian, and Ukrainian) caught the attention of the two partners. This joint-venture, named “Acticall Eastern Europe, a joint venture by Pentalog and Acticall” will be supervised by Pentalog’s executives. At present Pentalog is the 5th IT outsourcing player in Romania and the 1st in terms of expansion, with a 100% growth in 2007 and 2008.

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