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Pentalog launches operations in Israel and possibly more…


Several times lately we mentionned Israel on Pentablog (From Amsterdam to Tel Aviv and Israel my entrepreneurial dream), and today we can reveal a little more about it to you… The negotiations with our future associate partners in Tel Aviv have led to an agreement to launch our commercial operations there. We will rely on two very experienced people who have the ambition to do at least as well in Israel as Pentalog realized recently in Germany (€ 2M in sales barely 2 years after the creation of the subsidiary Pentalog Deutschland). Our expectations from this market are as high as opportunities are numerous.Administrative issues related to our establishment are being finalized, the launch of the web site pentalog.co.il, the first e-marketing operations are imminent. Efforts to make us known to the Israeli IT community are already under way, through social networking. Our first lead has arrived already; it has started strong, with a development project for a large international organization.Israel is one more string to our bow, and will contribute to consolidate our international position with a direct presence in the heart of this business community and in a renown high-tech center, with a strong culture of innovation and of entrepreneurship: third source of world-wide companies listed on the Nasdaq, after the U.S. and China, in sixth position (per capita) in obtaining the Nobel prize, No. 1 in the number of start-ups. This very young country with turbulent history is fascinating and will surely have many new things to teach us.In addition to Israel, there is not less than 3 other countries in which we are preparing to launch new operations in the near future. We are now able to generate and multiply very quickly all kinds of opportunities to produce and sell outsourcing services with high added value in the world. And it is by establishing strong partnerships in complementary geographical, economic, technical and cultural environments that will ensure further sustainability of our growth and globalization strategy and. We will not stop here!bandeau_madeinoffshoreOur client references are available on www.madeinoffshore.com

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