Thanks to Facebook, Pentalog’s future destination on the globe is Vancouver!
When I met Slava face to face for the first time in Montreal last September, we had actually known each other for more than 2 years. At that time, I didn’t know much about him as he was hiding himself behind a funny Facebook pseudonym.
In fact, without my Facebook community of Moldovan friends, whom I greet here, Slava and I would have never had the chance to know each other.
Slava’s kind comments on my posts soon revealed his good intentions, and one day he expressed, in a private message, his interest in our business model as well as his wish to join our company by setting up a Pentalog local unit.
It was on the occasion of one of my business trips to Boston in September that we decided to meet in Montreal… in a Portuguese restaurant
That was a truly rewarding encounter where Slava quickly announced his intention to become our associate together with Jeffrey, one of his buddies from Vancouver, a former soldier in the Canadian army who went to Bosnia twice, and another two times to Afghanistan as a mentor of the Afghan army.
Later on, Monica led the legal process and Friday night we finally signed the creation of Pentalog North Pacific, our Canadian branch office, jointly owned by Pentalog France and our two brand new associates. We duly celebrated the event at a refined restaurant in Orléans, with Sophie and Virginie. This new adventure that lies ahead is a first from all points of view. We simply couldn’t say no to the chance to settle in one of the three most dynamic large cities in the country, especially since we had no prior intention whatsoever to open a new branch anywhere in Canada in general or British Columbia in particular. Given that these two guys are not only great professionals but also extremely passionate individuals, then why should we not extend our boundaries even farther? I will soon meet them again most probably during the next weeks, when I plan to take a trip to Boston. The 15 days we spent together in Romania and France were more than lovely and I could see how the other Pentaloguians were really excited about this new adventure.
Seeing Pentalog progressively conquering the world (we are now located on both shores of the Pacific, both shores of the Atlantic, Germany and Eastern Europe) is a reward in itself but this time it’s the way we do it that makes the experience even more challenging. Seeing that the Moldovan and Romanian diaspora, exiled so far away from their countries, also show such a vivid interest in Pentalog and even wish to join us by means of the social networks is what really rocks!