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DevOps Implementation: How to Fail in 5 Steps

Guillaume POUSSEO
Guillaume POUSSEO
Head of Customer DevOps Services

Whether you see them as a trend or providing real business value, DevOps implementation practices are progressively gaining traction among development teams. For those of you who haven’t been ‘touched‘ by DevOps yet, it’s all about streamlining development and production (operation) practices.

Why should teams proceed with divergent practices or goals? You must consider deploying DevOps practices, and for some good reasons.

DevOps implementation

DevOps implementation without a solid plan and expert assistance can irreversibly alter your team’s performance and even drown your entire project.

Agile teams at Pentalog integrate DevOps at the beginning of any development project in order to maximize its efficiency. Here’s what happens when you resort to shortcuts:


1. Approaching DevOps implementation without agility

Deploying DevOps practices in discovery mode or as an imposition will never produce the same results as an implementation that considers agility from the very beginning.

If Agile principles are well-applied, the team will continually improve their practices. For me, this is what agile practices hinge on. Wasting time on recurring validations and deliveries will soon become unbearable for the team. They will subsequently try to automate these operations, and this is precisely how DevOps best practices begin.

Deploying DevOps without Agile – forcing DevOps into the team’s workflow or adding DevOps practices by chance, will not quench the team’s thirst. Changes must happen at the right moment and last.


2. Keeping teams separate

An organizational structure with separate teams for development and operations is already obsolete.

The moment you start looking for ways to reduce time-to-market, you must have the shortest possible queue time (time between operations). But divided teams have different priorities.

To streamline development, you must remove all barriers to collaboration between teams so they can work together toward a common goal.


3. Deploying DevOps on inadequate environments

DevOps is synonymous with automation and limiting waste, a concept derived from the Lean approach. So, it is thus crucial for the technical environment or project development organization to be consistent with this quest for automation. Inadequate technologies or tools that cannot be automated would be a source of failure.

If the goal of development best practices isn’t frequent deliveries and high reliability, why automate integration, tests, or deliveries?


4. Overlooking security when launching DevOps integration

In the end, DevOps is not enough. Neglecting security at the very beginning of a DevOps integration is like introducing design to ‘embellish’ an application at the end of the project.

Security must be a mandatory aspect of your approach, even if it requires redesigning parts of your application. This is where DevSecOps comes in. Nowadays, what application can afford to disregard this step?

Your team definitely needs to integrate this skill. Still, everyone – from the Product Owner to developers, must know how to manage the ‘security‘ risk to avoid limiting their scope to only technical requirements.


5. Acting without assistance

As previously mentioned, DevOps offers different results depending on the development team’s practices. To achieve this maturity level in the shortest time frame, we highly recommend asking for assistance. This allows you to discover the best DevOps implementation practices quickly and fully benefit from them in a short amount of time. Transforming your company without expert assistance means limiting this sense of urgency.

Pentalog’s Agile teams integrate a DevOps-based development flow early in the project to maximize their efficiency. Our consultants assist our clients in implementing this approach.


If you want to learn more about your options, explore the DevOps service offer powered by Pentalog.


Further reading:

Amazon Web Services: Deliver High Quality Solutions Fast

Serverless CI/CD Pipelines with AWS Services, for Your DevOps Needs

IT Infrastructure – What are the challenges and how can you manage them?

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