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2010 ISO audit: Sibiu passes with flying colours!

Aleth Delcenserie
Aleth Delcenserie
Chief Quality Officer
(Founding Partner)

On Monday, November 29th and Tuesday, November 30th 2010, Pentalog and Pentalog Technology underwent an ISO audit in Sibiu.Our Romanian auditor audited the following projects in particular: Galaxy (Zoltan, Marius), Spy Tracer (Nicolae, Ludovic) and ST-Ericsson facilities management (Bogdan, Alex). Zoltan was also audited for his Office Director functions.After an audit which spanned over one and a half days, the auditor confirmed that the QMS (quality management system) of Pentalog was functioning well and emphasized numerous strong points, both general and directly linked to key ISO points:- the competences and flexibility of Pentalog for developing projects in a rather difficult economic context, stressing the important work carried out by management teams in order to achieve good project performance;- the rigour in allocating responsibilities in all audited projects;- experience sharing through solution “cloning” within a project or between projects;- the emphasis on the development of staff skills in order to build flexible and competent teams for all platforms;- customer communication based on a proper use of software tools, constant presence of project managers and regular steering committees with different levels and periods, as well as good traceability;- assessing customer satisfaction through IT tools.This audit rewards the daily efforts of the Pentalog and Pentalog Technology teams, who have striven to understand and learn the company quality system, apply it efficiently and intelligently through their projects and contribute to its active development.I would like to thank all the Sibiu employees who were audited for their excellent preparation and presentation!Now, it is up to Orléans to capitalize on this achievement; the next audit will take place on December 6th.

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