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2010 Project managers training program

Aleth Delcenserie
Aleth Delcenserie
Chief Quality Officer
(Founding Partner)

In 2009, Pentalog launched a great Project managers training program, aimed at unifying the knowledge on the basics of project management and then improving the practices. 32 people already attended those trainings, first given by Pierre de Thelin and then by internal trainers. In 2010, the program will concern more than 80 people: about 50 for the basics and 30 for advanced courses, representing 426 men days of training! The first courses started in Hanoi in January (7 people). This week is now starting the Moldo-Romanian tour, with Aleth, Cornel and Ludovic as trainers, in Chisinau, Iasi, Brasov, Sibiu and Bucuresti (44 people). English speaking project managers and team leaders will especially be involved (last year, trainings were only in French) as well as people aimed at becoming project managers in a near future. The courses, composed of theoretical courses and practical exercises, are organised around three sessions of two days each for basics, and 4 days for the advanced ones (practices). Basic courses give and remind fundamentals on commercial aspects, contract management, risk management, development cycles, workload estimation, planning and management, meetings and people management (team, client). The advanced courses go deeper in Priority management practices – in maintenance, agile and long term projects – Testing rules, practices and tools, and Business attitude. In accordance with the quality management organisation of the company, this program already gives its results: projects are more rigorously led, for the benefit of our clients as well as our!

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