Following the two-week-long audit conducted by Afnor in our Brasov, Iasi and Chisinau delivery centers, Mrs. Hudea, our new auditor, recommends the renewal of our ISO 9001:2008 certification with many strong points and 5 improvement suggestions.
This third cycle of audits (Pentalog has been ISO 9001 certified since December 2008) has confirmed the good implementation and continuous improvement of our practices at all company levels: software development and maintenance, technical assistance and consulting, IT facilities management, business process outsourcing, recruitment, but also at sales, company and human resources management level (training, knowledge and know-how sharing), availability of infrastructures, client listening and satisfaction measuring, as well as other support processes.
This year, the audit focused more on seeking improvement suggestions allowing us to define our position towards the requirements of the next version of the ISO 9001:2015 standard (which is currently in the last validation stage before being adopted and implemented at global level) but also towards other standards such as 27001 (information security management) and 31000 (risk management) versions. According to Mrs. Hudea, we should equally meet most of these standards’ requirements.
Among strong points identified:
- strong management involvement
- investments we make in our business to extend the scope (business development, new delivery centers, …)
- indicators, action follow-up methodology
- internal audit
- training
- compliance with and performance of the production processes
- well developed and analysed client relationship
Improvement suggestions:
- further analysis of the underlying causes of the corrective actions initiated on the software development and maintenance projects
- improvement of the quality plan validation method with the clients in certain software development and maintenance projects
- improvement of the technical and economic risk identification methods for certain software development and maintenance projects, and related processes
- further organization of sharing meetings (trans-functional, between delivery centers) to improve professional skills
- development of complementary strategies to improve the French language practices (related to our objective).
The audit report and the renewed certificate should be available on KQA wiki in a couple of weeks, after being approved by Afnor.
Thank you again to all those audited these last days for the time you dedicated to the participation to our major annual exam, and my sincere congratulations to all Pentaloguians for their involvement in the daily application of our internal processes and contribution to their evolution.
Keep up the good work!