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ISO: we have maintained our certificate!

Aleth Delcenserie
Aleth Delcenserie
Chief Quality Officer
(Founding Partner)

Following the two-day audit of our Sibiu office and the audit of our Holding company, which was carried out today in Orléans, our ISO auditor confirmed the observations made during the two previous audits (2008 and 2009), as well as the status of our QMS (quality management system):

  • we have an operational, active and dynamic system,
  • the system is efficient, as most objectives are met,
  • the auditor also noticed a real dynamics in the constant improvement of our practices.

There were neither major nor minor nonconformities and no sensitive issues. There are a few elements which can be improved and, above all, numerous strong points, notably:

  • the continuous and systematic conformity between our QMS and the Standard
  • an improvement dynamics that is present and systematic- active customer communication (project follow-up)
  • strengthened internal communication (project follow-up)- responsibility and observing project deadlines- capitalizing on solutions through projects.

In conclusion, the auditor will recommend to Afnor (the French standardization organization) to maintain our certificate.

I would like to thank once again all the audited employees for the quality of their preparation and presentation.I also want to thank my two collaborators, Ioana and Thierry, for their control activities and constant support for the development of our activities.I am also grateful to all Pentalog employees for their daily involvement in observing and improving our quality system, which is paying off!Next year we will begin a new three-year cycle, with a new team of auditors. We will have to prove ourselves once again, this time in a more profound manner: our best days are, therefore, still ahead.Good luck! And congratulations to everyone!

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