The HR base of the Pentalog platform is rebranding as SkillValue. Same team, new name and more to love. This new trademark will encompass all IT recruitment, data strategy, hackathons, and IT skills assessment services everywhere. This change is driven by a strong belief: the future of work will be shaped by your ability to adapt and improve your skills.
“Individuals are looking to understand their SKILL VALUE. Companies hire for potential, but they also want to understand the ability to perform the job – so they look at the SKILL VALUE.” Aurelia Tudor, General Manager at SkillValue
IT Skills Assessment Worldwide
More than 15,000 developers assess their technical skills each month, worldwide, in the fields of software development, QA, infrastructure, networks, digital marketing, foreign languages, numerical logic, algorithm thinking. The original offer of French/English MCQ and coding tests will be available in German, in Spanish (coming soon) and Portuguese, in order to better address the Latin American market, especially with new UI/UX tests.
Yearly, 150 companies and educational organizations are performing more than 20,000 technical evaluations via the SkillValue platform.
New Perspectives
And what’s next? According to Aurelia Tudor, SkillValue intends to reach ambitious objectives by the end of 2018 :
– Reach out and help at least 2,000,000 developers and engineers worldwide achieve their full tech potential: provide them free access to a set of IT tests and tools which will support their continuous improvement efforts.
– Support at least 20,000 companies and organizations across the globe reframe the way they think about technical problem solving, by means of hackathons, software services, serious games and team building events.
If you need help building your development teams, contact us. We will be happy to provide custom IT skills assessment and IT recruitment services to support your growth strategy.
Read more about the services that make up the Pentalog platform