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Project management seminar held in Iasi, Romania: ideas just burst out!

Aleth Delcenserie
Aleth Delcenserie
Chief Quality Officer
(Founding Partner)

We may say that ideas really burst out last Friday and Saturday during the project management seminar held in Iasi, Romania.

Thanks to the presence of 5 members of the Pentalog Management Board (Frédéric Lasnier, Monica Jiman, Eric Gouin, Aleth Delcenserie, Manuel Damian), the participation of 7 project managers (Alex Arapan, Dan Avram, Razvan Brinzila, Mihai Burlac, Dan-Cristian Iftimi, Vasile Putina, Ion Vasilov), 1 project director (Ludovic Bavouzet), the technical director of the Pentalog Institute (Cornel Fatulescu) and 4 delivery center managers (Mihai Bejenariu, Serghei Goloborodico, Cristian Neghina, Pierre Pichot) we were able, after rich and animated discussions, to draw a pragmatic action plan well rooted to solve our field issues.

Some of the decisions made are as follows:

  • Ensure greater involvement of experienced project managers, specialized in skills development and project support:

    • institutionalization of the coaching and mentoring actions

    • project-related experience capitalization and knowledge sharing

    • a review of the audit methods with the help of the highly experienced project managers

    • implementation of a project management office system

    • the technical camps restart

  • develop project management trainings

  • improve internal communication:

    • communication on active projects and new projects for all  employees

    • deployment of the Chisinau social network along with its related promotion actions in the other delivery centers

    • videos on internal services

    • content development of the strategic meetings from a bi-annual to a quarterly basis

Each participant was assigned one or several tasks to manage or contribute to. We designed an action plan on short term until December 2013, the first deliverables being scheduled for June.

Our heartfelt thanks to all the contributors for their enthusiastic and constructive attendance. We would also like to thank Pierre de Thelin for his always efficient promotion techniques and Rodica for the logistics work, note-taking and future follow-up!

Keep up the good work!

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