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Eric Gouin, the newly appointed interim CEO of SkillValue, will help boost its growth

Cosmina Trifan
Cosmina Trifan
Chief Marketing Officer

The Pentalog Platform, a digital one-stop-shop dedicated to the IT world, is experiencing an acceleration that began last December via it’s acquisition of RevSquare. This NY-based digital marketing agency has turned our dream of creating a cross-selling platform into a reality in just 2 months!Accelerating Pentalog’s HR spin-off…Our plan is to keep strengthening each layer of our service pyramid. After consolidating the digital strategy brick, now the focus is on human resources: SkillValue.SkillValue is the startup studio created by Pentalabbs and Pentalog in 2010 which concentrates all the platform’s know-how.Originally meant to support the platform’s growth by industrializing the IT recruitment process, the HR assessment platform soon took its own path. It began to develop IT skills assessment tools in SaaS mode or via hackathons for BtoB and BtoC customers. The main purpose of these tools was to automate the recruitment process. At present, SkillValue has a database of over 300 000 candidates, 150 000 of which have already been assessed, and several hundreds of clients all across Europe.SkillValue is capable of recruiting key resources (Scrum Masters, Product Owners, architects, lead developers, etc.) for both existing clients that already benefit from our digital platform’s strategic and IT outsourcing services and new ones. Furthermore, any client using SkillValue to evaluate a prospective recruit opens the doors to Pentalog’s wide range of digital and technical services.


Eric Gouin, interim CEO of SkillValue & CEO of Pentalabbs

A new CEO with a limited-term contract…Eric Gouin, the CEO of Pentalabbs, will also take over SkillValue’s management for a limited period of time (more specifically, 18 months) to achieve one simple goal: reinforcing SkillValue’s position in Europe while scouting new markets for the Pentalog Platform.His first goal in 2017 will be to significantly increase SkillValue’s recruitment revenue in France by strengthening relationships with the platform’s existing clients while finding new ones to allow us to rapidly begin working in a new country by Autumn. The United Kingdom, The Netherlands, and Germany are all possible choices, so be ready to apply!The number of tests taken spontaneously or via online hackathons is forecasted to triple by the end of the year, which will further increase SkillValue’s community of developers.SkillValue also plans to extend its recruitments to 3 new countries by 2018.The appointment of Eric is a logical choice since he is the former CEO of SkillValue, who directed it during its transition into an online IT skills assessment platform, and the actual CEO of Pentalabbs. He has experience working towards strategic objectives related to startup investment and company acquisition. After 18 months, a new development oriented CEO will be appointed to strengthen SkillValue’s position in Europe and extend the company’s activities to the American market. There will be an open place for somebody to fill.

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