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Battle.js: the JavaScript Challenge where We Build Code, not War

Vasile Putina
Vasile Putina
Chief Technology Officer

Dear Romanian coders, arm yourselves with your strongest front-end or back-end development skillsets and join one of the fiercest JavaScript challenges held on Romanian battlefield – Battle.js.

Pay attention, we’ll build lines of code, not war! So get ready to showcase your tech knowhow and ingenuity. 🙂

JavaScript Challenge - Battle.js - Pentalog

Ready to compete? Pick your technology and join the Battle.js challenge! Cool prices are at stake for each competition.

What’s in it for you?

Your rivals’ skill level is high, but so are the stakes. The best of each competition will win a ticket to the React Day Berlin event, which will take place on November 30th.

24+ speakers will share their experience on an array of topics, ranging from architecture to Design Systems, GraphQL and more.

You’ll get the chance to explore the React (Native) universe, sharpen your coding skills and get in touch with a strong community of React enthusiasts.


Quick facts about the JavaScript challenge

All developers in Romania are invited to measure their skills in three competitions:

  • A race against the clock to complete a React.js quiz
  • A time-limited Node.js quiz for passionate back-end fighters
  • A coding combat consisting in a JavaScript exercise to test your algorithmic thinking

The challenge is ongoing and getting fiercer. Grab your gear and may the best win! We’ll lay down arms on November 4th.

Prove your knowledge of React, Node & JavaScript and code your way to Berlin through Battle.js!



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Is React Dominating Front-end Development?

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