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Get Ready for the 2018 Consumer Electronics Show

Sophie Lelarge
Sophie Lelarge
Chief Revenue Officer

The 2018 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas is quickly arriving. With thousands of exhibitors, lots of speakers, and numerous conferences, it is hard to plan out what to see and do. When making to investment to attend such a huge event you need to come up with a game plan ahead of the event in order to make the best use of your time there. Of course everyone’s game plan needs to be different based on your goals but here I am going to try to help you out by picking out a few of my favorite exhibitors and conferences at this year’s CES.

The 2018 Consumer Electronics Show is coming up fast. Make sure you have your list ready for what exhibitors to see and which conferences to attend.

MedTech Conferences

First I will talk a bit about the conferences, a number of which are free to attend with your entrance but certain series of conferences are set into tracks that you have to pay to enter. For instance I find the startup and research conference series particularly interesting, they are free and will include information on new tech trends. Depending on your focus you can attend something more specific like the free entertainment tech, fitness tech, or marketing conferences.

As far as the paid conferences go, I find the disruptive innovations in healthcare series of conferences to be particularly interesting. Medtech is an emerging trend and there are a lot of interesting projects out there right now. Speakers in this series will talk about technology in personal health care, in pharmaceuticals, and how tech is changing the way people can access medical care as a whole.

There will be a number of players in the Medtech field exhibiting at the Consumer Electronics Show as well. One that I find particularly interesting is Visiomed (BewellConnect), a company that has created a lot of portable and connected medical devices. They are both injecting technology into personal health care and changing how people can get access to medicine. Their connected Visiocheck device combines a number of diagnostic tools into a single package that weighs less than 300 grams, which basically acts like a mobile doctors office that can be deployed in a lot of different situations. They won an award at the CES in 2016 for MyECG, the first wireless-connected electrocardiograph and this year they will present their latest three innovations and maybe take home another prize.

I am particularly interested in the Medtech conferences and attendees because we have a number of clients in the MedTech field such as AMA Optics and Otosense, though they will not be participating in the Consumer Electronics Show. As an emerging trend Medtech is also an interesting topic for everyone in general.

Other Conferences

Another one of the paid series of conferences I am particularly interested in is the Smart Home track, which will focus on different topics relating technology to the home including smart devices and consumer trends. They will also discuss smart speakers in detail which are exploding in popularity and involve a lot if interesting technology and AI.

We have a client, Ocea Smart Building, which connects mobile apps with real estate management and energy consumption, though they will not be participating in the CES. However there are a lot of other interesting companies involved in this field that will be exhibiting such as August Home, Centrica Connected Home, and EZLO Home Automation  just to name a few.

One other free conference series that I also find interesting is on fitness tech.  Fitness tech is interesting not just because it has a $20 billion market share that is still growing but because it combines other tech such as smart devices, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and alternate reality. Speaking topics will include these technologies as well as how to use precision data in applications.

Pentalog has dipped its toes in the Fitness Tech industry before with Bitgym. Unfortunately they will not be exhibiting at the Consumer Electronics Show either but a few other interesting Fitness Tech companies such as  StretchSense, Healbe, and Firstbeat Technologies will be around if you want to learn more about fitness tech after the conferences.

Choose a new Technology that interests you

The Consumer Electronics Show is a great place to make connections related to your business but it is also an opportunity to learn about something new. If you are in Fitness Tech maybe take a look at the MedTech conferences and companies because there is a lot of overlap when it comes to goals and the technology used. You can even go to conferences and exhibitors completely different than your field and expand your horizons, you may be inspired to make a new innovation.

You can call it bias but I would recommend you pay a visit to two of our clients, MatchupBox and pop’n link, who have some really interesting tech. MatchupBox has developed what they call PikcioChain, which uses blockchain technology to create an ecosystem that allows for on-demand access to personal data and a user’s digital identity without having to perform background and verification checks every time a user wants to take an action.

The technology proposed by pop’n link is focused on what they call a pop, a small round button about 1.5 inches in diameter that contains a micro-controller chip. The pop can be stuck onto any flat service and it allows anyone with a smartphone to touch their device to the pop without downloading any app and they will get access to whatever data is hosted on that particular pop. For example restaurants can put it on their tables to allow clients to order and pay with their phones, hotels can use it for check-in and check-out, public transport can use it to share information, it is basically a way to link physical and digital spaces.

No matter what your interests are just do a bit of homework before the conference and explore while you are there, just make sure you don’t get stuck in the casinos.



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