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PentaHumans Experience Employee Onboarding for Success

Cristian Neghina
Cristian Neghina
Customer Success Manager

Maybe you’re interested in joining us because you’ve spotted some very attractive opportunities, or maybe you’ve already started working in a position for us.

We know that a new job means a lot of uncertainty – the work environment, your responsibilities, the team… So we’ve created a comprehensive employee onboarding process that tells you everything you need to know to get started in your exciting career adventure.

welcome to pentalog

If you’re looking for job satisfaction and a positive work environment, keep reading to explore Pentalog’s culture and people.

Onboarding – our way of saying: “Welcome to Pentalog!”

Our employee onboarding process is a journey that is designed to introduce you to the Pentalog galaxy. To make sure you won’t get lost along the way, you’ll be accompanied by one of your colleagues, who plays the ‘buddy’ role, guiding your steps until you learn the ropes and become autonomous in your position.

What we’re talking about is a well-documented process in four steps that tells you the story of a company born more than 27 years ago through a partnership among five friends. The steps in this process are:

  1. Early onboarding – get to know us
  2. Company onboarding – receive all the info about what makes Pentalog unique
  3. Project onboarding – put on your seatbelt and let’s explore objectives and KPIs
  4. Improvement – your honest feedback helps us get better

In fact, we’ve had a dedicated onboarding process for several years. However, in the last two years, we’ve adapted our onboarding journey to a permanent remote work environment. At this point, we can proudly say that we have an onboarding community that understands the importance of a friendly employee welcome.

1. Early Onboarding

This initial phase starts as soon as you agree to our offer. At that point, you will need to sign a few documents, and get your tech gear and welcome kit. But you don’t even have to come to the office ; we can deliver all that to you, wherever you are.

Early Onboarding

If you’re not far away though, we’d love to meet you and enjoy a cup of coffee together. There are so many things to talk about!

Then, we’ll go through the next steps in this phase:

  • Meeting your buddy, the go-to person who will help you complete onboarding promptly, supporting your fast and smooth transition
  • Receiving your first email from the support department, with a list of essential Pentalog applications, guidelines on how to access them, and their role in helping you keep track of your tasks.

Because we can work 100% remotely, that means we’re using a lot of collaborative tools to stay in touch as much as possible – for both work and fun activities.

2. Company onboarding

It’s common knowledge that people learn faster when they’re being guided. With this in mind, you will meet your buddy, an experienced colleague who knows his/her way in almost any situation.

Your buddy will support you in your journey for as long as you need – because we know that onboarding doesn’t end after the first week or even the first month.

Together with your buddy you will go through:

  • Specific steps to help you get started, including internal tools, Pentalog’s mission, values, strategy, business model, etc.
  • Company virtual tour: discover main services and projects, departments, roles, etc.
  • Learning opportunities, like Talent Management System – a collection of hundreds of micro-courses designed to help you develop professionally (including eLearning platforms such as Udemy, Mindtools, O’Reilly, Pluralsight, etc.)
  • Safety rules to keep us safe and the business running
Company Onboarding

Maybe the most important part of the employee onboarding process is to make you feel that you are part of a learning organization where we help each other grow by sharing knowledge and feedback, and by investing in training opportunities.

In line with Pentalog’s commitment to continuous learning, you’ll have access to a series of training, coaching, or mentoring programs, online courses, and free foreign languages classes.

How does a personalized learning path sound to you? With us, you can grow your skills and take on new responsibilities to advance professionally.

Depending on your interests, you can get involved in local internal communities to stay up-to-date on certain technologies or join extra activities groups to network and have fun, in training, sports, social causes, games, and wellbeing, among others.

After you gain relevant work experience with us, you can also in your turn become a buddy for a new joiner, a mentor, or a PentaBAR speaker, getting involved in all kinds of activities. There are plenty of chances to help our community grow and to continue perfecting your skills.

3. Project onboarding

After you have become familiar with the company’s internal procedures, it’s time to get to know your team.

Project Onboarding

Your Scrum Master will make the proper introduction to all your team members and will guide your bonding with your colleagues through daily meetings or other specific team-building activities. Of course, in a remote work schedule, it’s important to make time for people to communicate about non-work things.

As part of the onboarding process, you will also be updated about the status of your project, your role in the team, your mission, and your objectives.

4. Improvement

Make your first improvement by sharing your feedback.

This phase in the onboarding process is crucial because we know that every new joiner sees things differently, in a fresh and unbiased way. Therefore, your honest opinion will help us create a better employee onboarding process, that will lead to even greater job satisfaction. Emotion is what we’re trying to convey. And we hope we’re doing just that.


Once this final onboarding phase is finished, you can call yourself a PentaHuman. We hope that you now have all the energy and information to be operational and work autonomously.

Welcome to Pentalog!

And if you’re already in love with our company, you can recommend our available positions to your friends and we’ll make it worth your while, through Pentalog’s “Bring a friend” rewards program.

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