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Agile Methodology

ISO 9001 Certification Renewal Highlights Our Effectiveness and Resilience

Aleth Delcenserie
Aleth Delcenserie
Chief Quality Officer
(Founding Partner)

In 2020, while almost everyone was carefully working from home, some were scouting new Eastern Europe locations. And Pentalog got recertified as an ISO 9001 business.

ISO certification

An effective management system, supporting agility and resilience

Committed to a quality approach to fuel its strong growth strategy since 2007, Pentalog is ISO 9001 certified since December 24, 2008.

The ISO certificate is valid for three years. The certification process consists of an initial audit covering all the activities in the scope over a sample of the more populated sites the first year, then two surveillance audits covering the remaining locations, coming back for lighter audits of the main sites, and potentially extending the scope. A new cycle starts after three years, with a new main auditor to maintain objectivity.

For its 2020 renewal, Pentalog turned to Certinspect Register, an internationally recognized and more IT-oriented organization. The goal was to find new improvement opportunities and work towards an ISO 27001 certification in 2021.

In the context of Covid-19, the auditor, Razvan Ionescu, carried out the audits remotely, taking great care not to impact customer deliveries while maintaining a strong focus on Security.

After auditing our Orléans headquarters, Paris consulting offices, and our Chisinau, Iasi, and Cluj delivery centers, Mr. Razvan Ionescu recognized the Pentalog teams’ great professionalism. The auditor stated that our management system’s effectiveness was still demonstrated, acknowledging our great agility and resilience. He also suggested useful improvements focused on risk management, incident management, customer delivery, and customer satisfaction assessment.

Our new ISO 9001:2015 certificate has been issued on January 22, 2021 and is valid through January 21, 2024.

Extending the scope

As an innovating company always moving forward, Pentalog has extended the scope of its certificate over the years. The certified activities are now Design, production and maintenance of digital products, Technical assistance, DevOps, Cybersecurity, Infrastructure management, Cloud computing, Business Process Outsourcing, Consultancy, Research, Digital marketing for the Pentalog locations in France (Orléans, Paris), Romania (Brasov, Bucharest, Cluj, Iasi), Moldova (Chisinau), and Vietnam (Hanoi).

The first surveillance audit (2021) will add our Lyon consulting office. The second one (2022) will encompass Pentalog Americas (New York) and Pentalog Mexico (Guadalajara).

The Recruitment services provided by SkillValue (Orléans, Paris, Brasov, Bucharest, Cluj, Iasi) have been certified since 2011.

On our way to ISO 27001

Facing growing cybersecurity threats and changing data privacy and digital laws, Pentalog added Security as a major axis for supporting its growth policy, along with quality.

After hiring a new Chief Security Officer in 2018, we have increased our security focus along our information system roadmap (infrastructures and software). Also, we have strengthened security requirements training of our teams and IT Security Services were added to our catalogue to answer increasing requests from customers.

Getting ISO 27001 certified has now become the obvious path forward. This is why we will include the Security of our internal processes in our 2021 audit.

Want to learn more about the range of services powered by the Pentalog digital platform and how we can help you build your digital products? Let’s talk.

Further reading:
Pentalog in 2020: an Open Retrospective
Pentalog partners up with Marlin Equity Partners SaaS Investment Fund
Pentalog Becomes an AWS Select Partner to Meet Cloud Demands

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