
Domain-Driven Design:
A pragmatic approach

Your DDD Fundamentals Crash Course

DDD ebook

About this eBook

The popular Domain-Driven Design (DDD) approach, first introduced in 2003 by Eric Evans, champions the idea of a collaborative effort where technical experts and domain specialists work together to continually enhance a conceptual model tailored to tackle precise domain challenges.

It enables teams to effectively manage software development and maintenance, eliminating many of the issues related to late deliveries, misalignment with customer needs or violations of other software design principles and practices.

In this ebook, we’ve condensed a set of Domain-Driven Design recommendations and best practices to help tech teams deliver faster and better. This covers:

  • Domain-Driven Design: what is it and why does it matter?
  • DDD building blocks and patterns
  • Advantages and disadvantages of DDD
  • A sample of Domain-Driven Design applied in e-commerce

Powered by Pentalog – A Globant division, this ebook is brought to you by Eduard Ghergu, Solution Architect, Associate Professor and Technical Mentor with nearly 25 years of industry experience.

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