Inbound marketing outsourcing

Content management, Call Center, Cost killer & BPO

According to an Edelman survey, 65% of cybershoppers say that they ask for their peers’ advice during the different steps of their purchases. Although this figure is slightly decreasing due to the increasing importance of “complainers”, it illustrates how important it is for cybershoppers to have positive opinions on the products that they buy. Among the different media used, social networks occupy a dominant place if we are to believe a Nielsen survey which shows that 90% of cyberconsumers place a great deal of importance on the opinion regarding a product or a service if that opinion is expressed by someone they know.

In order to increase your competitiveness, Pentalog can assist you in optimizing your workloads and processes in order to reduce your costs. Pentalog has always been a forerunner in this field and we are able to help you master the cost killing in order to turn it into an intelligent leverage while maintaining a good relationship with your partners.

In order to help you implement a genuine strategy for reducing costs, improving quality and promoting your brand and, in the end, boosting your sales, Pentalog offers you experts for helping you to develop applications in the following fields :

  • Telemarketing and Telesales
  • Customer support
  • Development of customer loyalty
  • Client quality management
  • Recommendation of your products and services
  • Cost reduction

Our expertise

Thanks to a history of more than 10 years of successful experiences in content management, through call centers and cost killers, Pentalog is now a recognized player in the development of solutions in the following fields :

Customer relations

  • Telemarketing
    • Creating, qualifying databases
    • Setting meetings
    • Creating traffic
    • Organizing networks
  • Sales
    • Taking orders
    • Sales prospecting
    • Telesales
    • Fund-raising campaign
    • Reservations
  • Client support
    • Client support
    • Complaints
    • Technical support (Helpdesk, Hot line)
    • Debt collection
  • Developing customer loyalty
    • Client satisfaction surveys
    • Setting meetings
    • Consumer services
    • Customer loyalty programmes

Client quality management

  • Mystery surveys
    • Performance control
    • Detecting strengths and weaknesses
  • Mystery shopping


Social CRM

  • Specialized websites (restaurants, service offers etc.): net surfers’ opinions, grading etc.
  • Product and service recommendations (“I like”, “I don’t like” etc.), friends’ impressions, satisfaction measurement
  • Community creation and animation: relations, information, affection and transaction between your brand and a community of consumers
  • Transforming your followers (subscribers) into consumers and promoters of your brand


Cost reduction

  • Purchases / general expenses
    • Transport / trips
    • Telecommunications
    • Car fleet
    • Insurances
    • Maintenance
  • Social
  • Finance
    • Banking expenses
    • Optimizing client regulations / Factoring
    • Accounts management
    • Risk management related to foreign exchange loss
    • Innovation, R&D
  • Computer science
    • Cloud computing
    • Open Source applications
    • Outsourcing
    • VoIP

Inbound Marketing

Our approach

Our approach depends on the project that is entrusted to us :

  • Development of specific applications

In the fields of content management and call centers, the tool implementation speed comes first in order to constantly be ahead of one’s competitors. To this end, Pentalog offers agile development cycles for creating your customer relationship or back-office applications. This agility allows us to be more responsive to changes that may arise when deploying a new campaign.

The diagram below illustrates our iterative method :

Based on a feature backlog, the project manager defines together with his client the content of the following sprint which generally lasts between two and four weeks. The project manager holds a review meeting with his customer by phone on a daily basis in order to discuss all the subjects that are to be processed during the day.

  • Reporting/data mining

In order to set up infocentres or data warehouses, we adopt a more con­ven­ti­o­nal project cycle by assisting you in defining your needs and implementing the project.

Then, our consultants analyze the result of the specifications defined together and offer you the most adequate tool for deploying your project. This choice is determined by your functional requirements and according to your budget constraints.

If you have a limited budget, our consultants will offer you advice and help you implement the best open source solution, recommending you, for instance, to outsource your report development.

  • Social CRM

Properly defining the objectives so that you may meet your goals in a shorter period of time: these are the commitments that we make to our customers in order to implement their customer relationship management project over the internet. We should underline that 86% of consumers expect brands to interact with them over the internet!

In order to help you meet these goals, we offer a four-step approach :

  • Analyzing the network, defining the objectives

This step consists in setting up a unit for monitoring the different media (social networks, blogs etc.) in order to listen to and analyze what is being said about your company or your products or services. Depending on the results and your expectations, we will determine together the objectives to be fulfilled.

  • Introducing and maintaining a presence in the media

This step consists in setting up the tools and methods that will allow to progressively create your presence in the different media (reserving pseudo accounts or actual accounts, creating official pages, routing your information threads towards the media etc.)

  • Setting up a rapid intervention unit

In case of an emergency, in order to manage a crisis situation, for instance, it is important to have a unit ready to intervene in order to avoid the spreading of negative information.

  • Creating a community

Creating an internal company community which is then opened to the public is the last step in the implementation of your social CRM. This step consists in animating and converting fans into promoters of your brand and in creating an area where people can exchange opinions on your products and services and where everyone can help, provide advice and encourage the other members to make the purchase.

  • Cost killing

A successful cost reduction approach requires an analysis of your behaviour so as to determine the positions that the actions will focus on. In order to help you maximize savings, we will recommend you to follow the following steps :

  • Charting the workloads of each entity of your company/group
  • Identifying the important positions
  • Reorganizing and optimizing your decision-making processes
  • Looking for and offering cost reduction solutions for each element

Our services

We provide audit, analysis, consulting and development services by systematically using open source solutions associated to innovative development processes with a view to reducing costs. Pentalog can offer you the following services :

Call center

  • Developing specific applications for call centers connected to your ACD, IPBX systems or business applications
  • Reporting: incoming calls, outgoing calls, service quality (missed, completed, lost calls)
  • Data mining: setting up solutions for studying customer behaviour, detecting frauds etc.

Social CRM

  • Setting up social networks
  • Animating networks
  • Reserving pseudo accounts, domain names etc.
  • Integrating social network markers and features into your websites: “I like”, publishing your content on the visitor’s page etc.)

Cost killing

  • Carrying out audit missions
  • Offering solutions for your IT infrastructure: IP telephony solutions, virtualization solutions, Cloud computing etc.

Great Digital Products Aren’t Created By AccidentPentagility Means IT Excellence at Speed

Creating great software starts with a team infrastructure that breaks down silos, anticipates risks and communicates openly.
As an IT outsourcing provider, Pentalog equips teams with modular rules and dashboards, to ramp up, scale and pivot quickly, with minimal friction, maximum support and costs you control.
We call this toolkit Pentagility, an agile governance methodology for building trusted client relationships.

Our competences

  • Programming language : Java, PHP,
  • Social networks : Facebook, Viadeo, Linkedin, Xing
  • Social media : Twitter
  • Reporting : SpagoBI (Open Source), Business Object, Cognos

Our experience

Pentalog has been managing data, animating communities and spreading content for over 10 years. As regards tertiary services, for instance, we are collaborating with big call centers for which we have set up the reporting of their production and financial data and for which we have also developed numerous business applications. Our employees thoroughly grasp the range of issues related to this sector and will offer you the most adapted and high-performance solutions that are both fast and robust.

Pentalog also plays an active role in content management, referencing solutions and social networks, on the one hand for its own needs related to its status as a web 2.0 company and, on the other hand, for meeting customer requests by developing networks or collaborative sites like Cityvox.

Any questions? Contact us!