Code of conduct for CTO mentoring service

The code of conduct guides the positioning and attitude of the involved parties. The parties are the mentee, the mentor, the customer (buyer), and Pentalog (the supplier of the mentoring service).

The code of conduct is part of the rules of mentoring service. The code of conduct is available on for connected users.

Parties involved in the process must embody the following values.


Not everything occurs according to the plan, so everyone needs to adapt.

The mentoring collaboration framework requires the mentee to work on goals. Goals derived from the assessment. Sometimes, the mentee has more urgent concerns. Sessions may adapt to address these challenges.

The mentor and mentee are usually very busy. Scheduling the next session before closing the ongoing one is helpful. Parties should agree with ease to reschedule.


Working enough and being on time are the keys to a successful mentoring process.

The mentor works only, or mostly, during the mentoring sessions. The mentee should always have the feeling the mentor is listening carefully.

For each session spent with the mentor, the mentee spends 4 extra hours on average. We call that homework.

Not doing the homework will impact the progress of the mentee.


The mentee works hard and focuses on improvement goals;

Here are some signs the mentee is not committed:

  • when the mentee asks too often to work on non-goal-related aspects during the sessions;
  • when there is no progress on the goal in two-tree sessions;
  • when it is hard to find a goal to work on;
  • when sessions reschedule too often;
  • when more than one session is rescheduled too late (less than 24 hours before the schedule).


We cannot force trust. The mentee and mentor need to be prepared mentally for trust by default. Otherwise, the mentoring will not work. If trust isn’t there, it’s better for the parties to consider shutting down the mentoring.


Pentalog is working hard in making visible the data it collects from its users. Assessment results are available for the mentee online.

Mentoring session minutes aren’t available there yet. The mentee should expect that Pentalog will digitize the mentoring process. The more we digitize, the more data Pentalog will collect about the service.

It is in the interest of Pentalog to collect data from mentoring services

  • to improve the mentoring experience
  • to propose other services relevant to the customer
  • to improve the services provided by Pentalog and the way they fit with customer pain points


The content discussed in sessions is only for the eyes and ears of the parties present in those sessions.

The mentee may share data about his/her progress without the consent of the mentor.

The mentor may share without the consent of the mentee:

  • the number of sessions;
  • sessions completion and schedule;
  • the amount of time spent in those sessions;
  • if the sessions have goals;
  • types of goals;
  • if goals are usually achieved;
  • improvements in the mentoring process;
  • NPS.

The mentor may share with the consent of the mentee:

  • goals;
  • challenges;
  • testimonials, NPS, and feedback.

Pentalog may share with the consent of the customer

  • success story;
  • testimonials.

Sensitive information

A successful mentoring process requires trust and transparency. Sensitive information may be discussed during mentoring sessions.

The parties involved agree not to share information harmful to their credibility or public reputation.


The relationship between the mentee and the mentor is not hierarchical. It’s based on respect. Diversity and inclusive thinking are both drivers of respect. Any sign of lack of respect is a recommendation to shut down the mentoring process.

The parties involved should be mindful of each other’s credibility and public reputation.

Prevalence of agreement

In the event of any conflict between any provisions in Terms and Conditions, the Master Agreement, Statements of work, Privacy Policy, and Code of conduct, the Master Agreement will take precedence, followed by the Statements of work, Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions, and finally this Code of conduct.

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