Fred D.


27 years
Huntington Beach, UNITED STATES

My experience

Freelance / Self Employed - RDBMS to Document Database Synchronization ProjectNovember 2014 - Present

Freelance / Self Employed - Mobile Data Collection Application ProjectNovember 2014 - Present

Company Name Otis Technology, Inc - IT Strategist / ConsultantFebruary 2006 - Present

Freelance / Self Employed - Independent Consultant / Freelance DeveloperJanuary 1999 - Present

Self-employed - Independent Consultant / Freelance DeveloperJanuary 1999 - Present

Thropter, LLC - Owner / PartnerAugust 1999 - February 2006 - Director of DevelopmentAugust 1999 - August 2002

WebWay LLC - Owner / PartnerJanuary 1994 - August 1995