Freelance Front-End Developers

Find The Best Freelance Front-End Developers on Pentalog

At Pentalog Freelancers, we offer the best in freelance Front-End Developer talent, delivered through our community of 500,000 IT professionals.

Tell us about your project

100% of our freelance Front-End developers are selected by our Talent Acquisition Specialists

To ensure the right combination of tech skillsets you require from your Front-End development specialists, we measure the candidates’ knowledge and hands-on experience in frameworks and technologies such as: React.js, Vue.js, Angular, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript and more.

Then, our Talent Acquisition Specialists match developers to projects according to their skill level and fit, ensuring you have a strategic partner with the most appropriate hard & soft skills at the center of your technical and business challenges.

Only certified Freelance Front-End developers

Pentalog relies on SkillValue, a SaaS platform of more than 1,000 technical evaluation tests (coding exercises, quizzes, and online hackathons) to test and certify Front-End Developer skills.

Do More, Better

Pentalog Freelancers offers full-stack solutions and is here to help boost your technical team. We are experts in a wide range of technologies who, like you, are always looking for ways to become smarter, stronger, and keep learning.

Already working with Front-End Developers? We also offer a database of ready-to-use tech skill assessment tests to make sure you’re training and working with the best.

Put your test together on your own as a SmartQuiz or choose from one of ours.

How much does a freelance Front-End Developer cost?

The average daily rate of a freelance Front-End Developer is £435 (including a 15% commission). This rate is likely to be reviewed according to the level of expertise and technical abilities of the developer.

Level of experience ADR of Front-End Developer
0-2 years £247
2-4 years £324
4-7 years £384
7+ years £440