Freelance .NET Developers

Find The Best Freelance .NET Developers on Pentalog

We select the best freelance .NET Developers through our community of 500,000 tech profiles screened by our evaluation platform.

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100% of Our Freelance .NET Developers Are Selected by Our Talent Acquisition Specialists

Every .NET developer we hire is certified by our 1,000-test assessment platform, and then selected by our team of Talent Acquisition Specialists. At Pentalog, our Talent Acquisition Specialists match developers to projects according to their skill level and fit, ensuring you have a strategic partner at the center of your technical and business challenges.

We make it easy for you to find the perfect developer you need to succeed by screening each profile per task, reviewing each developer’s qualifications to ensure that your project is given the best value possible. This prevents you from hiring unqualified developers while enabling you to find the right people for the job, every time.

Our freelance .NET developers specialize in various technical skills. We go the extra mile to provide you with solutions for different development needs including: web frameworks (.NET Core, ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET MVC, Web API), cross-platform native app development (Xamarin), front-end development (Telerik, KendoUI or JavaScript frameworks such as Angular, React.js or Vue.js) and more.

Freelance .NET developers

Only Certified Freelance .NET Developers

We leverage SkillValue, our SaaS testing platform, utilizing over 1,000 technical evaluations covering 160 technical skills to ensure we match your business with a strategic partner who fulfills your needs best.

We make it possible for you to find the missing link between your team’s capabilities and your business growth objectives, by providing a custom freelance service to tackle your .NET development challenges.

Our freelance .NET developers will help you meet your objectives by matching technical expertise and soft skills with the unique requirements of your business. Profiles selected don’t just do the usual developer job. They work to understand what your project needs to succeed and contribute their knowledge to build value and achieve performance.

Do More, Better

Already working with freelance .NET developers? We also offer a database of ready-to-use .NET skill assessment tests to make sure you’re training and working with the best. Put your test together on your own as a SmartQuiz or choose from one of ours.

How Much Does a Freelance .NET Developer Cost?

Freelance .NET developers price their services differently based on experience. Experience is highly rewarded:

Level of experience ADR Freelance Front-End
0-2 years £216
2-4 years £270
4-7 years £320
7+ years £435

Interested in a cost comparison between a freelance .NET mission and a .NET development outsourcing collaboration? Take a look at our price list to get started.