New WOMA now supports a whopping 90% of the worldʼs airline business

Client location Genève, Suisse

Business area Transportation

Product Software

Delivery center Bucharest, Romania

Project type Development

About the client

SITA is the world’s leading specialist in air transport communications and information technology. The Swiss company has approximately 4,500 employees worldwide and provides services to over 2,800 customers in more than 200 countries – covering about 90% of the worlds’ airline business.Some of their most notable achievements include the implementation of the first iPad kiosk to sell plane tickets, and the first augmented reality application for an airline.


Technologies used

The challenge

Peregrine Service Center was previously used to track product configuration on each site and manage work orders to install the latest product configuration on a per-site basis. The application though, was unstable and lacked the appropriate level of support.

Consequently, the Peregrine application was decommissioned and its functionality replaced with a custom developed application running on a fully supported platform.

Pentalog developed a re-implementation of the previous Work Order (WO) Management application in place at SITA. The main challenges for the team were to:

  • Fully understand the previous WOMA
  • Maintain and improve the catalog of existing user experiences while adding new experiences
  • Conceptualize & build a technically scalable, secure and robust application

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air transport software

The solution

SITA – WOMA is a Work Order Management System. It provides a data store functionality for Products, Releases, Sites, Contacts, Site Product Lists and Site Coordination Lists.

Using this data store, the application provides a Create Work Order functionality that automatically creates Child Work Orders, then assigns them to the appropriate sites and appropriate resolver groups.

The application boasts an extensive search functionality for all data store features, as well as for Work Orders and Child Work Orders. It sends the appropriate email notifications to the designated site email, additional emails for site managers, while also providing a mechanism to easily edit email templates.

The results

The Work Order Management Application is a modernized, improved, scalable, and easily maintainable application that replaced the Peregrine system.

The application was developed using the Scrum methodology.

For SITA, working with Pentalog provided a way to avoid the risks related to every new project as well as the ability to quickly ramp-up an external team and decommission once the scope was fully realized.

Emilian-Valentin Bordea
Customer Success Manager

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