Technology due diligence

M&A operations are a stressful endeavor where investors need the ability to clearly evaluate the target company’s assets and the risks related to the transaction. Technology Due Diligence will help you achieve the highest possible value from the technological assets obtained in an acquisition.

Assessing IT resources

The importance of IT due diligence is rising as IT assets become an ever more strategic component and growth factor in all types of business. IT staff, products, software development processes, networks and infrastructure, intellectual property, customers, e-commerce sites, databases, cybersecurity, and more need to be assessed for the buyer to get a 360° view of the technical, human, methodological and organisational resources to be acquired, allowing them to make an informed investment decision about the target company. It is also possible for an assessment to result in a change of the transaction price.

Reviewing risks & perspectives

IT due diligence consist of a technical risk review carried out by auditing the target company’s IT system, which helps investors determine its strengths and weaknesses and therefore determine the value of the business with a focus on sustainability, maintenance cost, integration, ramp-up, scalability and evolution capabilities.

Technology due diligence

Pentalog’s consulting experts carry out technology due diligence assessments focused on 4 key issues in relation to IT:

  • quality evaluation
  • expense identification
  • employees’ skills
  • business and financials

Great Digital Products Aren’t Created By AccidentPentagility Means IT Excellence at Speed

Creating great software starts with a team infrastructure that breaks down silos, anticipates risks and communicates openly.
As an IT outsourcing provider, Pentalog equips teams with modular rules and dashboards, to ramp up, scale and pivot quickly, with minimal friction, maximum support and costs you control.
We call this toolkit Pentagility, an agile governance methodology for building trusted client relationships.

The two main goals of this analysis are to identify any issues that could impact the deal (license agreement, source code availability, etc.) and to gather information needed for successful integration (product plan, hardware inventory, etc.).

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