Business incubators and acceleration programmes are blooming everywhere in the world, capitals are flowing in, and the number of startups has skyrocketed. Until 2025, there will be 1 billion companies at global level.

Nevertheless, what these companies lack is a number of competent human resources at a cost that boosts their (strong) impetus but also their (sometimes, yet not always low) budget. Moreover, these human resources must be highly experienced in order to provide and assume innovative solutions.

Pentalog’s commitment to solve the no. 1 issue for startups – the coding resource – has turned us into a true digital startup accelerator.

Why are human resources a startup issue?

  • Because Western IT services companies recruit them almost entirely to be able to meet the needs of their multinational customers
  • Because these human resources sometimes experience burnout within international companies (state of mind, loss of youth and motivation, company politics, etc.).
  • Because startups do not have enough capital to deal with recruitment costs or IT service companies’ prices

At present, we support software and web development for almost 100 growing companies annually in a dozen of different countries accross the USA, Europe and Asia. The Pentalog Group is an IT services company dedicated to startups and and positions as their virtual incubator, because we are a leading employer in all the countries we are settled in. We help startups and grown-ups preserve at least 50% of their sales figure. We also develop an in-house entrepreneurial spirit with employee shareholding and internal project incubation initiatives.