yband therapy AG

Developing supporting technology for an innovative medtech device

Client location Basel, SWITZERLAND

Business area MedTech

Product Software

Delivery center Bucharest, Romania

Project type Development

About the client

yband therapy AG is a Swiss company founded in 2015 by Dr Christopher Rickert and Samuel Bauer. Spotting a market gap, they set out to provide an arm rehabilitation system with professional, yet affordable and easy to use products. So, they created a device that could be used by patients who suffered a stroke or a traumatic brain injury and lost their arm/hand function due to hemiparesis. It can be inconvenient and sometimes difficult for patients to visit a clinic for physical therapy. To address this challenge, yband therapy AG designed ARYSTM, a tracker with integrated sensors that is worn as a bracelet and records all arm activity. Acting as a virtual trainer, the bracelet allows patients to keep track of their day-by-day movements and even perform physical therapy exercises in the comfort of their own home. The tracker then records all movements, and the collected data is sent to the Smartphone App to be converted into therapy-relevant information. Overall, the product gives patients a daily therapy routine, allows them to track their progress, and sends it to the patient’s therapist who can track their progress as well.Also on the market is the ARYSTM pro product, available to medical professionals. This consists of two bracelets – one worn on the wrist of the nonparetic arm, the other one on the paretic arm, and an innovative evaluation software program that runs on an iPad. The recorded movement of both the healthy and the affected arm are converted into meaningful data for analysis to optimize therapy procedures.


Technologies used

The challenge

This project was started in an academic environment. Once those involved saw its potential, they decided to move ahead with the project at full speed. However, creating the Tree of RecoveryTM app for iOS and Android, and the iOS app for the ARYSTM pro product was a cluster of tasks that required multiple different technologies and development teams.

Rather than building up multiple IT teams from scratch with IT profiles matching their various needs, the client decided to team up with Pentalog, who quickly crafted the dedicated IT teams they needed to get their product on the market. An additional challenge was the strict deadline set in order to have this product ready to present at various medical and tech events.

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The solution

Our collaboration began after yband therapy AG visited our offices in Bucharest and asked if we could set up a team to create their ARYSTM Pro application for Android (later changed into an iOS application). We provided an estimate and began setting up a development team to begin working on the project. However, the customer wanted the application to be able to function on a specific screen size that we quickly discovered it did not exist on any Android devices. So, a new project estimation was elaborated and an iOS development team was set up in Cluj, Romania.

After working on the iOS app for some time, the customer asked if we could also develop an e-commerce website to sell their products. To do this, we contacted PrestaShop to create two versions of the website to allow customers to pay in either Euros or Swiss Francs.

At the same time, yband therapy AG asked us to develop the iOS version of their Tree of RecoveryTM patient app that syncs with the ARYSTM me product. They already had another partner working on the Android version of the application. However, they eventually asked us to perform a technical audit on the Android version and another team was set up in Iasi to join the existing team in order to accelerate the development process.

The results

In the end, Pentalog developed the iOS and Android versions of the ARYSTM me patient app, the ARYSTM pro iOS professional app, and the e-commerce website. The Android version of the patient app by our Iasi team had a development deadline of just four weeks, to get it ready for an event. To do this successfully, we ramped up the team with senior developers and were able to publish the app to the Google Play store by the deadline.

Afterwards, we finished the other applications that had looser deadlines. We were able to be flexible and ramp the development teams up and down as needed, to cross new milestones and get the products ready for different event presentations. We also performed a technical audit on the ARYSTM me tracker itself to ensure it was up and running at full capacity.

Pentalog also ended up hosting yband therapy AG’s website. They were looking for a new hosting service and chose to go with ours, although it was more expensive than their first provider. Our level of support, reactivity, capacity, and security made the service worth the higher price. While our hosting services are competitively priced, they do cost more than the basic package due to the full-service capacity of our offer.

yband therapy AG was happy with the collaboration, and the work environment was a cooperative one. Their CTO served as a product owner, who was always available, open to technical suggestions, and always ready to discuss project issues. The customer appreciated how flexible we were and our ability to provide more resources when deadlines were approaching. They even recommended us to another startup!

This project is currently in maintenance  phase, as all products are now available on the market. However, as the product continues to grow in popularity, we may help move the whole project to the cloud and work on big data processing. We look forward to watching yband therapy AG develop on the market and hope to continue working with them in the future.

More about MedTech apps: Pentalog builds a MedTech app for AMA OPTICS, INC.

Emilian-Valentin Bordea
Customer Success Manager

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